Paper Dome for the Celebration of Ilan Chinese New Year Celebration by Johnny Chiu

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1.2km of recycled paper is used for remembering the past of this once important historical site of papermaking- Chung Hsing Paper Factory. It is a celebration of what was once here, and to bring back memories to the neighborhood, allowing the paper to once again come to life, this time not as a plane, but a space that can be experienced and interacted.

JCA柏成設計用長達1.2公里的環保紙,來紀錄與描繪在宜蘭這個造紙歷史的重要遺跡 - 中興紙廠。這是對曾經在這裡的一個歷史禮讚,為了讓紙的回憶在這個鄰里再次復甦, JCA柏成設計帶來的不只是個平面的歷史書寫,而是再造一個紙的立體刻畫而創造出來的體驗和互動的空間,漫天的紙造球體,創造出在這樣溫暖相聚的季節裡,讓我們在傳統慶典中跟歷史建築與文化傳承以當代的精神思維共同團圓與圓滿,JCA柏成設計。

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1/27 OUT Scholarship sharing lecture by Johnny Chiu



They are Back!





1/27 (六)   13:00 - 15:00 柏成設計 (台北市大安區潮州街144號1F)


The Relationship Among Water, Land, and Human

 No Play No Gain


J.C. Architecture 柏成設計
Yen Partnership 十彥建築
Dumas 大塊設計
Envision Engineering Consultants 築遠工程顧問
Shinde Architecture 信德開發建設

Imperfection is Perfection! Happy Chinese New Year! by Johnny Chiu

" Ahh, I do this JCA New Year Card every year, I promise myself I wouldn't repeat to been busy this time, but how can you avoid that? "  

JCA would like to send you our warmest wishes for 2017 Happy Chinese New Year. 
We’re adding this special thought too … Imperfection is Perfection. It's the little imperfections make us unique and beautiful, happy to embrace our differences and love who we truly are, because that is why makes us perfect!   

May your days glitter with unforgettable moments of happiness, laughter, and good cheer in the coming year. 

Johnny and Nora are drawing the cards one by one...

Johnny and Nora are drawing the cards one by one...

So we spent hours and hours trying to come up with the best idea of New Year Card.

"Do you want to know what I came up with finally? Just wait and see...!"

Best wishes for 2017! by Johnny Chiu

We are pleased to announce this year, JCA already won in total 11 International Architecture and Interior design awards!
Awards including winner of U.S.A. The Best of year awards, American Architecture Prize, two Gold winner of I-ding International Design award, Japan Good Design, INSIDE World Festival of Interiors, Japan JCD, Taiwan Golden Pin Design, and the fourth place of Tainan Baseball competition. 

DING Hotel

DING Hotel

From our latest architecture project - DING Hotel, well represent the Tainan city’s old charm and cultural spirit. Associated with the concept of quaint neighborhoods and social interaction, successfully create a vertical village oasis in an urban setting. 

Logistic Republic Office

Logistic Republic Office

Another awarded project - Logistic Republic Office, you could see our office design intention is to think outside the box, and our approach is to allow the encompassing of the site features, user experience, and building efficiency to shape the concept and ultimately the space. Through extensive research and close collaboration with client, we present a space of limitless possibilities, while remaining true to the core value of the company.


總是將品牌和建築的精神融入其作品中的柏成設計(J.C. Architecture),2016年共拿下11項建築室內國際設計大獎,獎項包括美國室內設計大獎、美國建築獎、中國艾鼎兩項金獎、日本優良設計獎、台灣金點設計兩項大獎以及台灣室內設計三項大獎等。非常感謝受到國際設計間評審們的高度好評!

Paper Space

Paper Space



H&M Taiwan Office

H&M Taiwan Office



Tainan Baseball competition 

Tainan Baseball competition 


2016 JCA International Design awards

Paper Space
American Best of Year Awards, Budget, winner
China I-ding International Award, Installation Space, Gold Winner
China I-ding International Award, Green Space, Gold Winner
JCD International Design Award, Food Space, Best 100
Golden Pin Design Award, Space, Winner
Taiwan Interior Design Awards, Furniture Space, Winner
Taiwan Interior Design Awards, Commercial Space, Winner

Logistic Republic Office
Good Design Award, Space, Winner
Golden Pin Design Award, Space, Winner
Taiwan Interior Design Awards, Working Space, Winner

H&M Taiwan Office
American Architecture Prize, Workplaces, Silver
INSIDE World Festival of Interiors, Offices, Shortlist

DING Hotel
American Architecture Prize, Hospitality Architecture, Honorable Mention

Tainan Baseball Stadium
Tainan Baseball Competition, Fourth Place





Friday Design Talk: Cities for People by Johnny Chiu

By 2050, 70% of the world's population will live in cities. How should we select a city to live and travel? How do we know if our cities have valuable conditions? Most importantly, could we possibly know what go wrong in our cities and how to improve?

This week’s design meeting 12/30 Friday, one of JCA's architecture designer - Tim will examine some of the most successful cities in the world. Looking forward to your participation.

Speaker: Tim
Location: JCA Living Room
Time: 12/30 (Fri.) 12:00 - 13:00


Two GOLD winners for China I-ding design award! by Johnny Chiu

We are so pleased to share this exciting news for everyone- JCA favorite project Paper Space being the GOLD WINNER for both Green Space and Installation Space in I-ding international design awards!

China I-ding International design award.

China I-ding International design award.

Welcome to enter our paper wonderland!