JCA Publish | 漂亮家居_永續創新設SDGs by Johnny Chiu


我們以「不只是圖書館」、「台北市立美術館藝術商點」,和「新北市政府辦公司Comma Lab」為代表,探討永續的各種角度,而不是只以環保作為永續的定義。

In the may issue of “my HOME” magazine, we are honoured that Johnny, the founder of J.C. Architecture, is invited to talk about sustainable design as the main idea in designing “Not Just Library”, “Taipei Fine Art Museum Store” and “New Taipei City Government Office_Comma Lab”.



《my HOME》has started publishing in March 2001. It is the first home living space magazine in Taiwan. It also becomes the communication bridge between space fashion trends, interior designers and Taiwanese readers.


#漂亮家居 #永續設計 #不只是圖書館 #北美館 #commalab #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture

JCA Publish | 旅讀雜誌_老軌道,慢時光 by Johnny Chiu


In the May issue of “旅讀or” Magazine, we are honored that Johnny can share the ideas of designing Taiwan railways railcar and the difficult but interesting challenges that he faces in this project. We believe that through this magazine, more people can understand our original intention and thoughts in designing the train.



《旅讀or》has began in 2012, it is published on the first day of every month. It is a magazine with knowledge as the most important content, exploring the world of sentiment with readers. Through the magazine, experience the temperature of life while reading.

#旅讀 #老軌道,慢時光 #鳴日號觀光列車 #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture

JCA Publish | DESIGNART TOKYO 2021 by Johnny Chiu

DESIGNART Tokyo為日本每年一度的設計藝術界盛事,而今年的”DESIGNART Tokyo 2021”,很榮幸柏成設計Johnny能和日本著名集團神戶皮革KOBE LEATHER合作展出這張獨特優美的作品。

DESIGNART Tokyo is an annual art and design festival in Japan. We are honored that Johnny, the founder of J.C. Architecture, cooperate with KOBE LEATHER in the design of this unique and graceful work. We call it “Bloom”. The lightness of the leather is re-expressed through its alternative structural strength, compression rather than tension. It’s a chair unlike any other, even more so, this leather chair can be used in exterior environments as outdoor furniture!

詳細資訊 For more information: http://designart.jp/


《DESIGNART Tokyo開始於2017年,每年秋天於東京舉行為期10天的活動並分享世界各地的藝術和設計作品。這項活動讓人們可以在欣賞各式作品的同時漫步東京,這活動每年吸引10萬以上的人前來參觀。

《DESIGNART Tokyois a festival held each fall as a platform for showcasing the project. This is an event that transforms all of Tokyo in a museum of design and art, allowing everyone to stroll the city taking in each display.


Elle Magazine: https://www.elle.com/jp/decor/decor-interior-design/a36376031/designart-toyo-2021-2105/?fbclid=IwAR1FHKSih1s22gVIGvSoruT6knwkF2HxcmZVLHAH9H-D0SYYMINcu408oFs
Fashionsnap: https://www.fashionsnap.com/article/2021-04-23/designarttokyo2021/
Art Lougue: https://www.artlogue.org/node/8810
Shift: http://www.shift.jp.org/ja/blog/2021/04/designart-tokyo-2021/
商店建築 SHOTENKENCHIKU: https://www.instagram.com/shotenkenchiku/
japan-architect: https://twitter.com/JapanArchitects/status/1386553100375265283?s=20
WMR Tokyo: https://wmr.tokyo/music/music-news/2021/04/22/524821
ADF webmagazine: https://www.adfwebmagazine.jp/design/design-art-festival-design-art-tokyo-2021-to-be-held/
Casa: https://hash-casa.com/2021/04/24/designarttokyo2021chance/
Tokyo Now: https://tokyonow.tokyo/event_info/122550/
Mapion: https://www.mapion.co.jp/news/entertainment/fsnp-designarttokyo2021/
Livedoor: https://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/20081018/
Omoharareal: https://omoharareal.com/navi/news/detail/2635
Toremaga: https://news.toremaga.com/release/others/1845450.html
@DIME: https://dime.jp/company_news/detail/?pr=823098
Toyokeizai: https://toyokeizai.net/ud/pressrelease/6080d2737765619cc0230000
Iza: http://www.iza.ne.jp/kiji/pressrelease/news/210422/prl21042210120057-n1.html
BtoB: https://b2b-ch.infomart.co.jp/news/detail.page?IMNEWS4=2527471
All About News: https://news.allabout.co.jp/articles/p/000000011.000056599/
Excite PR TIMES: https://www.excite.co.jp/news/article/Prtimes_2021-04-22-56599-11/
ORICON NEWS: https://www.oricon.co.jp/pressrelease/874696/
STRAIGHT PRESS: https://straightpress.jp/company_news/detail?pr=000000011.000056599

#designarttokyo #2021 #kobeleather #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture

chair screenshot 2.JPG

JCA Publish | 新一代設計展停辦消息 by Johnny Chiu

新一代停辦相關資訊: https://www.yodex.com.tw/exhibition_news_detail/88

#新一代停辦 #yodex #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture


JCA Publish | 新一代設計展媒體報導 by Johnny Chiu

新一代設計展即將開始! 柏成設計擔任主策展人,以對話為主題,讓今年新一代耳目一新!
感謝 新聞媒體報導:

經濟日報: https://money.udn.com/money/story/5635/5441804
台灣英文新聞網: https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/ch/news/4197759
500輯聯合新聞網: https://500times.udn.com/wtimes/story/12671/5441357
MOT TIMES 明日誌: http://www.mottimes.com/cht/article_detail.php?serial=2462&type=0
LaVie: https://www.wowlavie.com/article/ae2100612
Tama Art University Bureau: https://tub.tamabi.ac.jp/news/1047/
原視新聞: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK9CRLxv1co
Shopping Design: https://www.shoppingdesign.com.tw/post/view/6597
經濟部工業局: https://www.moeaidb.gov.tw/ctlr?PRO=news.rwdNewsView&id=36142

#新一代 #yodex #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture


JCA Event | 新一代設計展展前記者會 by Johnny Chiu

柏成設計這次擔任總策展人的角色,為新一代帶來嶄新的面貌,緊扣主題 —「新一代的新一代」。有別以往五花八門的風格,今年度展覽著重在老闆、老師、學生,等各種人與人的對話,讓你放開懷將心裡不敢說的話一吐為快。


#新一代 #yodex #對話 #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture

JCA Publish | 日本BRUTUS雜誌_五月期 by Johnny Chiu






#BRUTUS #不只是圖書館 #notjustlibrary #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture #吳書原 #太研規劃設計

JCA Publish | King Xia初日號觀光遊輪的未來新翻轉 by Johnny Chiu



了解更多: https://city.gvm.com.tw/article/79123?fbclid=IwAR3AQ-_nfjpFTEsQhqyKX6xPDNM7F-R21eNg951RAMHKGnGew-mMKl7eZ8c

#初日號 #KingXia #金門觀光 #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture
