JCA Lecture | Verse x 學學_共創我們時代的文化_Pechakucha Night by Johnny Chiu

VERSE與學學聯名共同舉辦 PechaKucha Night,過去曾與VERSE合作過的各個不同領域的創作者或受訪者,以富有節奏感的夜晚派對氛圍,傳遞知識與創作的信念與熱情。非常榮幸能受邀擔任講者之一,相信這個華麗的講者陣容將會創造意義非凡的夜晚!

PechaKucha Night, held by Verse and Xue Xue, will be going to send the idea and passion of knowledge and belief in this night party by creators and interviewees who were participated with Verse. It is our honor to be invited as one of the speakers on the cultural feast, we believe this strong lineup of speakers will create a meaningful night!


蔡瑞珊 / 青鳥書店創辦人
張鐵志 / VERSE社長暨總編輯
邱柏文 / 柏成設計創辦人
徐震 / 嘖嘖創辦人
李依錫 / 法朋烘焙甜點坊Le Ruban Pâtisserie主理人兼烘焙主廚
邱文傑 / 建築師
Ivy chen / 攝影師
曾令理 / 國立陽明交通大學建築研究所助理教授、偶然設計Serendipity Studio 發起人
薛舜迪 / 永心鳳茶、心潮飯店 執行長
阿泰與呆呆 / TaiTai LIVE WILD 健行作家
鄒駿昇 / 插畫家、視覺藝術家
林昱丞 / 京盛宇創辦人
杜祖業 / GQ雜誌總編輯


|設計師交流之夜 PechaKucha Night Vol.43|共創我們時代的文化
時間:2021/11/20 (六) 19:40-22:00(19:00開放入場)

報名連結: https://www.xuexue.tw/course_main.php?act=course_detail_browse&main_pk=4a642bae60cc

#Verse #XueXue #學學 #PechakuchaNight #共創我們時代的文化 #JCArchitecture #柏成設計 #邱柏文

JCA Award | 不只是圖書館獲得臺北設計獎! by Johnny Chiu


Not Just Library is awarded again!
Among the 5545 works worldwide, Not Just Library won the Judges’ Special Award. J.C. Architecture has earned recognization for its design project with sustainability and renovation.

#台北設計獎 #TIDA #TaipeiInternationalDesignAward #JCArchitecture #柏成設計 #TDRI #MotifPlanning

JCA News | BLOOM_柏成設計與Kobe Leather的台日合作報導 by Johnny Chiu


Through the collaboration with Kobe Leather, it creates another meaning for this wonderful piece of furniture, BLOOM.
By bringing the experimental spirit into the design, two years of uncountable tests and discussions, we finally design the leisure leather chair that can open and close freely just like a flower.

蘋果日報: https://tw.appledaily.com/supplement/20211102/2242H2JML5AZVIGVJEH5ZFJCZ4/
欣傳媒: https://www.xinmedia.com/article/199463
ABF Magazine: https://www.adfwebmagazine.jp/en/design/sustainable-outdoor-chair-bloom-by-architect-johnny-chiu-kobe-leather-modern-art-meets-craftsmanship/
TECTURE MAG: https://mag.tecture.jp/product/20211020-43068/
PR TIMES: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000001.000088854.html
Kobe City: https://www.city.kobe.lg.jp/a10694/business/sangyoshinko/industry/kobenogyoujigyou/nogyou/kobeleatherchikisyouhyoutouroku.html
Casa Brutus: https://casabrutus.com/design/206957
Fashionsnap: https://www.fashionsnap.com/article/2021-04-23/designarttokyo2021/

#BLOOM #KobeLeather #DESIGNART2021 #Tokyo #JCArchitecture #柏成設計 #JohnnyChiu

JCA Publish | Lavie Magazine_台北住宅建築散步 by Johnny Chiu


Thanks to Lavie Magazine for creating this opportunity, letting Johnny and Bee Sung lead us and explore different types of residential architectures in Taipei City. Through their recommendation, we can see the buildings from past to present, the residential characteristics of different eras in Taipei!





#Lavie #BSArchitects #柏成設計 #JCArchitecture #臺北住宅建築散步

JCA Award | World Architecture Festival / INSIDE World Festival of Interiors by Johnny Chiu

在今年的英國世界建築節/世界室內設計獎(World Architecture Festival / INSIDE World Festival of Interiors),新北市政府辦公室_逗點實驗室因為創新的使用方式以及設計理念入圍了決賽評選,最後在此項目得到了評審的強力推薦。


This year, New Taipei City Government Office has become the finalist and highly recommended as the category winner of the World Architecture Festival / INSIDE World Festival of Interiors because of its brand new idea and design concept.
Big thanks to Chingyu Yao, the Director General of the Secretariat of New Taipei City Government, who share the uniqueness of this workspace with Johnny during the final presentation.
Furthermore, Johnny is not only the presenter but also the super jury this year, he will be one of the key juries in the WAF/INSIDE 2021!

#INSIDE2021 #NewTaipeiCityGovernmentOffice #Commalab #superjury #JCArchitecture #JohnnyChiu #ChingyuYao

JCA Award | 老屋新生大獎獲獎_不只是圖書館 by Johnny Chiu



Congratulations to TDRI(Taiwan Design Research Institute), Motif Planning, and J.C. Architecture for winning Old Building New Life Awards!
Through “Not Just Library” this unique project, we won the 2021 Old Building New Life Awards with the non-residential category.
Not Just Library has innovated from an 85-year-old bathhouse monument into a library that shows the fascination and influence of the old house regeneration. People can enjoy and immerse themselves in the “book bath”, which is our main design concept, with a private and peaceful garden that uses native plants in Taiwan to present historical memories of the monument.
Special thanks to TDRI’s support for this opportunity to redesign the space!

#台北老屋新生大獎 #不只是圖書館 #NotJustLibrary #太研規劃設計顧問 #MotifPlanning #台灣設計研究院 #TDRI #柏成設計 #JCArchitecture


JCA Lecture | DESIGNART TOKYO_Creative Conference Bridge 2021 by Johnny Chiu

日本一年一度的DESIGNART TOKYO 2021即將到來!
活動將會於10月25日~28日期間舉辦,而由DESIGNART每年主辦的「DESIGNART 創意會談 -BRIDGE-」為一線活躍的學者,文化人及藝術家提供了一個相互交流的場所。

我們非常榮幸能夠與台灣設計研究院的張基義院長,一同代表台灣分享與日本產品設計師,PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER負責人,鈴木啓太,和主持人木田隆子,ELLE DECOR的品牌總監,討論亞洲獨特的設計故事和台灣的設計思想。有興趣的朋友千萬別錯過!

DESIGNART hosts "DESIGNART CREATIVE CONFERENCE -BRIDGE-"annually inviting frontline scholars and artists for talk sessions in order to initiate and develop the art, design, and creative industries.

We are very honored to be able to share with the president of Taiwan Design Institute, Chi-Yi Chang on behalf of Taiwan with Japanese product designers, PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER director, Keita Suzuki, and host Ryuko Kida, brand director of ELLE DECOR, discussing the unique design of Asia. Stories and Taiwan’s design ideas. People who are interested are welcome to enter the website for more information!


Japan x Taiwan! Share New Language to Discuss Asian Design

演講者 Speaker:張基義Chi-Yi Chang,邱柏文Johnny Chiu,鈴木啓太Suzuki Keita
協講員Facilitator:木田隆子Ryuko Kida
舉辦日期 Date:2021/10/26 18:30-20:00(日本時間 JST / 台灣時間 CTT 17:30-19:00)
語言 Language:日語 Japanese /國語 Chinese
詳細資訊 For more information: https://designart-tokyo.zaiko.io/_item/343028


JCA Award | 2021台北設計獎 by Johnny Chiu


This year, Taipei International Design Award 2021, is very competitive. Among the countless projects, “Not Just Library” stands out and becomes one of the finalists in the public space design!
”Not Just Library” combines sustainability, innovation, and restoration, making the project more unique and priceless.
Looking forward to a good result in the award ceremony later!
《台北設計獎TIDA》為臺北市政府規劃辦理,以「Design for Adaptive City:為不斷提昇的城市而設計」之精神,並公開徵選傑出國際設計作品,打造臺北市成為創意設計匯流平台,藉以發掘具商機潛力的創意設計、鼓勵社會設計意涵,主張設計使人類生活更美好更便利。
Photo credit to Lee Kuo-Min

#台北設計獎 #TIDA #不只是圖書館 #NotJustLibrary #TDRI #台灣設計研究院 #太研規劃設計 #MotifPlannig&Design #JCArchitecture #柏成設計
