JCA Publish | Chaeg. Magazine NO. 67_Not Just Library / by Johnny Chiu

很高興韓國 Chaeg. 的六月份雜誌以特別報導為我們介紹了「不只是圖書館」這個設計案,並利用不只是圖書館作為範例,讓韓國讀者了解如何在不破壞古蹟本身的狀態下,重新打造一個全新的空間,以達到真正的“再生計畫”。

We are very glad that Chaeg. June Magazine introduces “Not Just Library” design project as a special report. Using Not Just Library as an example, to let Korean readers understand that how to refurbish the building without destroying the monument itself, in order to achieve the real “rebirth” plan.

More information: http://www.chaeg.co.kr/질곡의-역사를-품은-옛-목욕탕-지금은-도서관/



《Chaeg.》is a South-Korean cultural magazine, with special attention for book-related architecture and design. 'Chaeg' means books in Korean. Chaeg Magazine is distributed in major cultural institutions and bookshops in South-Korea.


#chaeg.magazine #notjustlibrary #rebirth #korean #JCArchitecture #柏成設計
