DESIGN ART TOKYO x Playing With Fire by Johnny Chiu

This year, Johnny Chiu returns to DESIGNART TOKYO, with the mysterious element that sparked human civilization -- FIRE!

Collaborating with the award-winning Lovinflame, which spent 10 years exploring fire, using a water-soluble, non-toxic fuel that only ignites at 104 Celsius, to produce real, safe, clean-burning, magically orange flames. Johnny will attempt to redesign the sensuality of Lovinflame's fire into various interpretations of Mount Fuji, a symbol of the spirit of Japan.

The installation will be on Tokyo's fashionable Omotesando boulevard at FrancFranc's premium brand “MODERN WORKS AOYAMA Limited Store”, newly opened in April this year to much acclaim. We invite you to come play with fire together and allow your senses to experience a glorious redefinition of your relationship with fire and spirit.


2019 JCA Warm wishes by Johnny Chiu

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“Did you find our surprise for this year?”

It’s the first time for JCA to design red envelopes, and we prepare a surprise for all our friends. This year, we would like to invite all of you to scratch off the unknown, say goodbye to the past, and let’s find out the great fortune in 2019!

May your days glitter with surprise and unforgettable moments of happiness!

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Taipei Shanghai City Forum 2018 - Visual Design by Johnny Chiu



上海與台北,來自相同的東方底蘊,城市景觀也有許多相似之處,好比舊城廓的磚造街屋,市中心不斷拔高的現代建築,我們汲取老屋紅磚與帷幕大樓之顏色,以活潑鮮明的色調,輝映快速代謝、新舊雜陳的城市情境。循環永續本是沒有起點,沒有終點,不存在於單一時間軸上,我們發想自德國數學家莫比烏斯(August F. Möbius)的莫比烏斯環,將數學無限循環套上2018數字輪廓,結合雙城城市意象,以線條化、簡約化為核心思路,傳達本次「循環永續」的視覺概念。

Taipei Shanghai Forum 2018, JC Architecture redesigning the graphic image of another historical forum where the two cities come together.

As this year's theme evolves around circular economy, we focus on the idea of bricks (old) and glass (modern), redesign these two contrasting materials into a mobious strip, forever intertwining culture and future, together.


Bring Happier cafe to TOKYO! by Johnny Chiu

Happier café, designed and built in Taiwan from 2016 for a 6-month installation inside an old air force library in the middle of Taipei. The project won lots of international awards, such as Japan GOOD DESIGN Award, American Best of year Award, IIDA Interior Design Competition, INSIDE Award, Taiwan Interior Design Award, China I-ding International Award, Golden Pin Award, etc.

As a short-term project, Happier cafe ends is 2017.

But this year, Happier café is invited by 2018 DESIGNART TOKYO, going to exhibit in Tokyo Midtown!

With new material to reproduce Happier cafe in Tokyo, we hope to bring a new perspective of Taiwan to Japan, and look forward to bursting different thinking for both of our countries.

Welcome to visit and enjoy it!

Taiwan Modern design exhibition 

Produced by Johnny Chiu DESIGNART TOKYO 2018

|DATE 10/19 Fri - 10/28 Sun

|TIME 11:00-21:00

|LOCATION Tokyo Midtown,


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JCA x MUKA arquitectura by Johnny Chiu

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JCA is always trying to reach out to the world with designs, and find opportunities that can collaborate and share our vision across the globe. We are excited to announce the great news that we have just signed an agreement with MUKAarquitectura of Spain to collaborate projects that will span from Asia to Europe.


柏成設計一直致力於國際化的思考與跨領域的結合,期待將設計帶入生活的每一個角落。帶著這樣的願景,我們展開了與西班牙設計公司 MUKAarqhitectura的合作計畫,藉由兩位員工來台交換,於台灣設計專案的合作,能攜手促進台灣與西班牙的文化與技術交流。

Johnny Chiu has known Moisés Royo Márquez, the founder of MUKA over 10 years, an award-winning architect and practice that has been able to redefine the new Spanish design.

During this summer, JCA will have 2 MUKA employees in Taiwan to be working together on several projects, joining forces and fostering cultural and technical exchanges between Taiwan and Spain.

What that means is that investors that want to work in Asia and Europe can leverage our joint infrastructure to address projects globally. The future is always born of new alliances that strive to facilitate communication and work.


East Gathering by Johnny Chiu

In Singapore!

On behalf of Taiwan, Johnny is invited by SIDS(Society of Interior Designers - Singapore) to share his perspectives in East Gathering.

Date │ Saturday, 10th March 2018

Time │ 9 am to 4 pm

Venue │ Pan Pacific Singapore, Pacific One

East Gathering is a multi-cities and cross-cultural event featuring top interior designers from Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The inaugural East Gathering kicked off in Hong Kong in December 2010 and has been taking place in several countries annually to present a series of design events, including forum, workshop and exhibition.

For the first time, Singapore is co-working with four Asia cities from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Korea to create an interior design forum. Celebrated Designers from 5 of the Asia’s trendsetting design hubs, present their response to the challenges and opportunities of designing in today’s multi-faceted, fast paced environment.

Tickets available on line

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International Convention - Touchpoint in Interior Design by Johnny Chiu

In Philippine!

Johnny Chiu is invited by PIID (Philippine Institude of Interior Designers) to have a lecture in Manila. March 8, 2018 at 9:15 am, on the topic "Making Experience, Making Interaction", Johnny will showcase some of his own projects as an attempt to answer
some of the challenges in the society we face today, and bring us to re-think the value of
design as an imaginary force to explore, experience, engage, and encourage human
interaction once again.

If you happen to be there, don't miss Johnny's interesting sharing in Manila!

Day one Program

Day one Program

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2018 Turn Over A New Leaf! by Johnny Chiu

We are pleased to announce this year, JCA already won in total 10 International Architecture and Interior design awards!
Awards including winner of iF awards, IIDA Interior Design Competition, Japan Good Design, INSIDE World Festival of Interiors, Hong Kong Design For Asia Awards, two Taiwan Golden Pin Design, and Taiwan Interior Design award winner, Singapore Interior Design Awards.


iF Design Award, Office, Winner- Logistic Republic Office

iF Design Award, Office, Winner- Logistic Republic Office

DFA Design for Asia Awards, WorkSpaces, Bronze Award- Logistic RepublicOffice

DFA Design for Asia Awards, WorkSpaces, Bronze Award- Logistic Republic

IIDA Interior Design Competition- Happier Cafe

IIDA Interior Design Competition- Happier Cafe

TID Taiwan Interior Design Awards, Working Space, Winner-The Loop

TID Taiwan Interior Design Awards, Working Space, Winner-The Loop

Golden Pin Design Award, Space, Winner- Kaohsiung Co-Working Space

Golden Pin Design Award, Space, Winner- Kaohsiung Co-Working Space

Golden Pin Design Award, Space, Winner- Heritage Bakery & Cafe

Golden Pin Design Award, Space, Winner- Heritage Bakery & Cafe