JCA Event | 老屋新生大獎網路投票活動_不只是圖書館 by Johnny Chiu



投票時間 |即日起至 2021/8/30 止 ​
投票方式 |本年度合併計算「官網投票」與「FB按讚及分享」​

1. 官網投票 |https://reurl.cc/j8e5rm​

​2. 臉書投票 |https://reurl.cc/9r9XDj​

​​3. 積分方式 |官網投票數x1 + FB按讚數x3+ FB分享數x5 = 該作品總積分



/ 以「泡書」為號召,​邀請你不只是閱讀書籍,一同沉浸閱讀、發散思考!/​





#不只是圖書館 #notjustlibrary #網路人氣獎票選​ #台北有情老屋有常 #2021台北老屋新生大獎​ #柏成設計 #JCArchitecture #邱柏文 #JohnnyChiu ​#太研規劃設計顧問有限公司 #吳書原 #ShuYuanWu

JCA Publish | Designboom_A Little Museum Store by Johnny Chiu


A Little Museum Store from Taipei Fine Arts Museum is on Designboom now! We let more people see the dedication and professionalism of J.C. Architecture for every design project.
People who are interested in the design concept of A Little Museum Store, welcome to read the project introduction through the link below.

Designboom link: https://www.designboom.com/design/a-little-museum-store-jc-architecture-taiwan-06-11-2021/


《Designboom》is a well-known Italian industrial design website for more than 10 years, it becomes one of the important design websites in the world. Designboom is committed to sharing different types of design from all over the world, so people who are engaged in design will benefit a lot from it.
#designboom #alittlemuseumstore #JCArchitecture #柏成設計

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JCA Award | Architizer A+ Awards_Popular Choice Winner by Johnny Chiu


We are really excited that “New Taipei City Government Office” has not only become the finalist but also become the popular choice winner in Government & Civic Buildings category! Thank you to all the people who have voted for us and support us, we feel really thankful and feel proud for our client, the New Taipei City Government for their achievement.

#Architizer #ArchitizerA+Award #newtaipeicitygovernmentoffice #popularchoicewinner #JCArchitecture #柏成設計

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JCA Lecture | Frame Awards June Jury Live Session by Johnny Chiu

恭喜所有Frame 6月得獎者! 昨日Johnny擔任了Frame Awards決審評審團之一並分享他的思想,深入洞察與分析設計方面的趨勢與未來。

Congratulations to all the winners for FRAME June. Johnny was able to share his thoughts as FRAME Jury last night, deep insights and analysis of how and why, trends, and future


《Frame Awards》 致力於評选和表彰全球最優秀的室內設計項目,是首個且唯一一個全球性綜合室內設計獎項,吸引了世界各地的設計作品前來參賽。
Frame Awards is dedicated to selecting and commending the world's best interior design projects. It is the first and only global comprehensive interior design award, attracting design works from all over the world to participate.

#frameawards #frameawards2021 #framemagazine #junejury #JCArchitecture

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JCA Lecture | CSID x JID x JCD_Virtual Webinar by Johnny Chiu

這場分享會邀請到了知名的日本代表設計師橋本夕紀夫(Yukio Hashimoto) 和井上愛之(Aiji Inoue),與我們台灣代表設計師長友大輔(Daisuke Nagatomo) 和邱柏文一同分享各自對於設計的想法還有作品。
這場線上設計分享會非常難得,歡迎有興趣的人點選準時進入準時進入CSID Facebook,聆聽各個設計師的精彩演說。

A Virtual Design Webinar organized by CSID(Chinese Society of Interior Designers), JID(Japan Interior Designers Association), and JCD(Japan Commercial Environmental Design Association) is coming soon!
The webinar has invited famous Japanese Designers, Yukio Hashimoto and Aiji Inoue, to share their design thinking and works with Taiwanese Designers, Daisuke Nagatomo and Johnny Chiu.
This webinar is rarely seen, so people who are interested are welcome to check out CSID Facebook page and listen each designer’s wonderful work.

日期 Date:2021. 07. 09 (FRI) 台灣時間下午5點 Taiwan time 5pm/日本時間下午6點 Japan time 6pm
FB連結 FB link:https://www.facebook.com/tina.kao.7393/


#CSID #JID #JCD #virtualwebinar #yukiohashimoto #aijiinoue #daisukenagatomo #mikiorihara #yenlingchen #JCArchitecture #柏成設計

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JCA Event | JCA Online Dinner Party by Johnny Chiu


In order to prevent colleagues from infecting Coronavirus, J.C. Architecture continues working from home.
Last week we had our first online dinner party, experiencing this special process of everyone enjoying dinner together in different places and sharing their daily life.
Although we couldn’t see each other, we can still bring joy to each other!
Hope the pandemic can get better as soon as possible.

#coronavirus #JCArchitecture #柏成設計 #線上聚餐 #dinnerparty


JCA Award | TID Award Winning Project_A Little Museum Store by Johnny Chiu

我們也非常感謝結構技師(築遠工程顧問) 與施工廠商 (虹鋼鍛藝設計),在結構方面我們經過多次測試以確保懸臂結構的穩定性,而在施工過程中,我們也經過無數次調整和測試以保持最終的外型與設計相同。

The winners of TID (Taiwan Interior Design) Award are out!
We are very honored and excited that “A Little Museum Store” won the TID Award in Public Space category. The innovation and hard-working of the designers are obvious to everyone!
We are also grateful to the contractor(Chou, Shih-Min) and structural engineer(Envision Engineering Consultant). During the construction process, we have made many test to ensure the final form stay to the design. For the structure part, we also made many test to ensure the stability.
Looking forward to the following final judging to win the TID biggest prize!


《TID Award》is an important competition platform for the advancement of interior design profession. It becomes an important award to interior design industry in Taiwan, and it also becomes a very important professional award in Asia.

#TID #award #winner #alittlemuseumstore #北美館藝術商店 #虹鋼鍛藝設計 #築遠工程顧問 #JCArchitecture #柏成設計

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JCA Event | Architizer A+ Awards Public Voting by Johnny Chiu

在第9屆「2021 Architizer A+Awards」決賽470件作品中,“新北市政府辦公室”入圍了政府機構建築類別其中一項設計作品!而即日起到6月25號會進行網路公開票選的活動,廣邀大家集氣投票,為我們也為台灣加油打氣!

Excited to be a finalist in this year’s @Architizer A+Awards! Among the 470 works in the 9th "2021 Architizer A+Awards", the "New Taipei City Government Office" was one of the finalist design works in the Government & Civic Buildings category! And from now until June 25th, there will be public voting on the official website, and everyone is welcome to vote and support us and Taiwan!

投票方式非常簡單,只要點選以下的投票連結,選擇“Log in through Architizer”,再點選你覺得最快速的登入方式,進入網頁選擇“New Taipei City Government Office”,並按下確定投票,就可完成投票。

The voting process is very easy and fast. Just click on the voting link below, select "Log in through Architizer", choose the easiest way for you to log in. After you enter the webpage, select "New Taipei City Government Office", and press “confirm vote” to complete the voting.

投票連結 vote link:https://reurl.cc/9rV6bX
作品介紹project introduction: https://architizer.com/projects/new-taipei-city-government-office/

#ArchitizerAwards #architizer #publicvoting #commalab #newtaipeicitygovernmentoffice #JCArchitecture #柏成設計

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投票官網網頁 voting webpage

投票官網網頁 voting webpage

選擇“確定投票” press “confirm vote”

選擇“確定投票” press “confirm vote”