JCA Publish | ArchDaily_A Little Museum Store by Johnny Chiu

我們很榮幸“北美館藝術商店”能出現在 ArchDaily 上! 此外, ArchDaily China 上發布了中文版介紹。歡迎有興趣的朋友們去網站上深入了解。

It‘s our pleasure that “A Little Museum Store” can be on ArchDaily! Also, it has been published on ArchDaily China for the Chinese version. Welcome people who are interested check out the website for more information.

Full Info: https://www.archdaily.com/963043/taipei-fine-arts-museum-store-jc-architecture

Full Info (Chinese): https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/963047/qian-fen-zhi-er-de-bei-mei-guan-bo-cheng-she-ji?utm_source=offices&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=just-published


Archdaily is an internationally popular architecture website, allowing architects or other designers from all over the world to share or view outstanding design works here.


#archdaily #alittlemuseumstore #JCArchitecture

截圖 2021-06-16 下午5.24.57.png

JCA Publish | Chaeg. Magazine NO. 67_Not Just Library by Johnny Chiu

很高興韓國 Chaeg. 的六月份雜誌以特別報導為我們介紹了「不只是圖書館」這個設計案,並利用不只是圖書館作為範例,讓韓國讀者了解如何在不破壞古蹟本身的狀態下,重新打造一個全新的空間,以達到真正的“再生計畫”。

We are very glad that Chaeg. June Magazine introduces “Not Just Library” design project as a special report. Using Not Just Library as an example, to let Korean readers understand that how to refurbish the building without destroying the monument itself, in order to achieve the real “rebirth” plan.

More information: http://www.chaeg.co.kr/질곡의-역사를-품은-옛-목욕탕-지금은-도서관/



《Chaeg.》is a South-Korean cultural magazine, with special attention for book-related architecture and design. 'Chaeg' means books in Korean. Chaeg Magazine is distributed in major cultural institutions and bookshops in South-Korea.


#chaeg.magazine #notjustlibrary #rebirth #korean #JCArchitecture #柏成設計


JCA News | 2021 Frame Awards June Jury by Johnny Chiu

我們非常榮幸柏成設計Johnny獲得Frame Awards, 荷蘭的著名室內獎項賽事邀請,擔任六月份賽事評審。
Frame Awards, 由荷蘭歷史悠久的Frame雜誌於2018年以優秀室內獎(The Great Indoors Awards)為前身而設立。 Frame Awards致力於評选和表彰全球最優秀的室內設計項目,是首個且唯一一個全球性綜合室內設計獎項,吸引了世界各地的設計作品前來參賽。

We are very honored that Johnny, the founder of J.C. Architecture, has been invited to Frame Awards, a famous interior design award in the Netherlands, to participate as the June jury.
Frame Awards is dedicated to selecting and commending the world's best interior design projects. It is the first and only global comprehensive interior design award, attracting design works from all over the world to participate.

#frameawards #frameawards2021 #framemagazine #junejury #JCArchitecture


JCA Publish | INTERIORS Korea No. 416 by Johnny Chiu

韓國雜誌 Interiors Korea 本期介紹了許多不同的設計案,而其中一項就是「不只是圖書館」。
透過Interiors Korea,我們也讓韓國讀者認識了這個獨一無二的設計改造案。從一個老舊的日式澡堂轉型成圖書館,讓人們如同泡書一般的享受和以往不同的閱讀空間,並給予這個空間新的生命與意義。

Interiors Korea magazine introduces different types of design projects in this issue, and one of them is “Not Just Library”.
Through Interiors Korea, we also let Korean readers know about this unique refurbishment project. From an old Japanese bathhouse to a library, allows people to enjoy a different reading space like having a bath fill with knowledge. It gives the space a new life and meaning.

#interiors #korea #notjustlibrary #JCArchitecture

JCA Publish | 明日號精美週邊商品開箱! by Johnny Chiu


另外,明日號也與“本因 BOII ENPII”合作設計出實用又簡約的六角時尚保溫瓶。把鳴日號的橘色放在瓶底,令純黑的瓶身增添新的亮點。

This time, Taiwan Railways Railcar has cooperated with well-known brands and once again launched eye-catching merchandise!
WAT", which is popular for its bottled cocktails, collaborated with 鳴日號 to design tea cocktails using the train’s main color which are orange and black. The bottle is small and elegant, the taste is fine. Therefore, it is very suitable for collecting or tasting.
In addition, 鳴日號 collaborated with "BOII ENPII" to design a practical and minimalist bottle. By putting the orange on the bottom of the bottle, it adds a new highlight to the pure black bottle.
鳴日號 has also launched a new design mask, using its signature black and orange to create gradual colors, which is very attractive.

#鳴日號 #FUTURE #WAT #BOII ENPII #JCArchitecture


JCA Publish | 遠見雜誌 Vol. 419_初日號華麗變身 by Johnny Chiu


Thanks for the interview with Global Views Magazine, which gives Yang Suyuan, founder of King Xia Marine, and his daughter Yang Wanling this opportunity to share the story and design process of the KingXia project. This tourism shipping challenge represents the inheritance of generations and the innovation of Taiwan’s yacht design!
People who are interested, welcome to check more information on the website of 城市學.



#kingxia #初日號 #遠見雜誌 #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture

JCA Event | Work From Home Meeting Successful! by Johnny Chiu


Due to the coronavirus pandemic, J.C. Architecture begins working from home in order to avoid cluster infection. We were held our first time online overall meeting last week, and it ended successfully! We are more united and careful during the pandemic, we believe that it will get better and everyone is safe and healthy.

#coronavirus #workfromhome #onlinemeeting #jcarchitecture

JCA Publish | 帶著微笑解決問題 by Johnny Chiu


It’s our pleasure that Johhny is invited by National Education Radio and participate in the “Happiness Code” program as a guest. In this program, Johnny conveys aesthetic ideas and how to positively communicate and solve problems through designing the Taiwan Railways Railcar project.
People who are interested in the Taiwan Railways Railcar project, welcome to visit the educational radio "Happiness Code" program to listen to the interesting stories and design concepts about this project.


#國立教育廣播電台 #幸福密碼 #帶著微笑解決問題 #鳴日號觀光列車 #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture