JCA Award | 亞太空間設計大獎_榮獲兩項金獎一項榮譽提名獎! by Johnny Chiu

恭喜柏成設計再度獲獎!今年的亞太空間設計大獎我們有三項作品入圍,其中”不只是圖書館”獲得了公共空間類金獎,”千分之二的北美館”獲得了零售空間類金獎,”Moxy Hotel”則獲得了酒店空間類榮譽提名。

We are happy to announce that J.C. Architecture won the award again! There are three projects that were awarded in Asia Pacific Space Designers Association Award this year, Not Just Library and A Little Museum Store won the gold award in Public Space and Retail Space category, and Moxy Taichung Hotel won the honorable mention in the Hospitality category.
Compete with other great projects from all over the world, show our uniqueness and importance to the juries. For instance, Not Just Library allows us to see the development of public spaces, A Little Museum Store shows the ductility of small spaces, and Moxy Taichung Hotel offers tourists to feel the uniqueness of Taichung.

Big thanks to our clients from each project for giving us the chance to attempt and convey our passion for experimental design ideas.




#AsiaPacificSpaceDesignersAssociation #APSDA #亞太空間設計大獎 #NotJustLibrary #不只是圖書館 #TaipeiFineArtsMuseumStore #千分之二的北美館 #MoxyHotel #JCArchitecture #柏成設計

JCA Publish | "2041,我在看一場表演"專題_一剎那的永恆 by Johnny Chiu

在2041年,平靜幸福的一天是不是其實可以用表演藝術去創造呢? 讓我們一起想像未來的2041年吧!

On Opentix, Johnny uses his perspective to bring everyone his imagination on the topic of "2041, I'm Watching a Performance".
On the year of 2041, can a peaceful day actually be created by performing arts? Let us imagine the future of 2041!

完整文章: https://www.opentix.life/article/1456235272547475456

#Opentix #兩廳院文化生活 #2041的想像 #邱柏文 #JohnnyChiu #柏成設計

JCA Event | 打開臺大之美徵文徵件比賽 by Johnny Chiu


2.徵文作品 以散文作品為主,字數不限。
3.攝影作品 彩色或黑白照片均可,一組五張之系列作品,敘述臺大影像故事。


2021.12.06 開放報名|2021.12.20 報名截止|2020.12.29 公布獎學金得獎主

#打開臺大之美 #JCA生活實驗所 #台灣大學 #柏成設計 #JCArchitecture

【JCA Award | 金點設計獎年度最佳設計獎獲獎!】 by Johnny Chiu

在上周周末的金點設計獎頒獎典禮,不只是圖書館在空間設計類獲得了年度最佳設計獎! 這是一項非常難得的獎項,因此我們非常感謝台灣設計研究院,沒有台灣設計研究院,也不會有今天的不只是圖書館和當天這麼精采的頒獎典禮,希望透過這個獎項能傳達我們柏成設計的思想。

At Golden Pin Design Award last weekend, Not Just Library won the 2021 Best Design Award in the space design category! This is a rare opportunity to win this award, big thanks to Taiwan Design Research Institute, Not Just Libary and this amazing ceremony will not exist without Taiwan Design Research Institute.

2021金點設計獎頒獎典禮線上直播: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbHLWJvpzJY

#金點設計獎 #不只是圖書館 #NotJustLibrary #年度最佳設計獎 #GoldenPinDesignAward #柏成設計 #太研規劃設計 #台灣設計研究院 #JCArchitecture

JCA Award | 獲選台灣創意力100影響力人物 by Johnny Chiu

恭喜Johnny邱柏文獲選 La Vie 雜誌2021「台灣創意力100」影響力人物!Johnny在近年來的努力和創新成功展現了他的影響力,並將給空間和更多領域帶來新的刺激和影響。

Congratulation to Johnny for becoming one of the most influential people in LaVie Magazine, Taiwan Creative Award 2021. Johnny's efforts and innovations in recent years have successfully shown his influence and will bring new motivation and influence to space and more fields.


「台灣創意力100」為La Vie自2014年舉辦的「文化創意產業100」大獎評選,橫跨視覺設計、音樂及表演藝術、工藝、電視電影、廣告、產品設計、建築、數位內容等領域。自2017年起轉型為兩年一度「台灣創意力100」雙年獎,藉由專家、學者公正公開的評選及思辨,鼓勵與推廣台灣文化及創意成果。


#LaVie #台灣創意力100 #影響力人物 #邱柏文 #JohnnyChiu #柏成設計

JCA Award | World Architecture Festival / INSIDE World Festival of Interiors by Johnny Chiu

在今年的英國世界建築節/世界室內設計獎(World Architecture Festival / INSIDE World Festival of Interiors),新北市政府辦公室_逗點實驗室因為創新的使用方式以及設計理念入圍了決賽評選,最後在此項目得到了評審的強力推薦。


This year, New Taipei City Government Office has become the finalist and highly recommended as the category winner of the World Architecture Festival / INSIDE World Festival of Interiors because of its brand new idea and design concept.
Furthermore, Johnny is not only the presenter but also the super jury this year, he will be one of the key juries in the WAF/INSIDE 2021!

#INSIDE2021 #NewTaipeiCityGovernmentOffice #Commalab #superjury #JCArchitecture #JohnnyChiu #ChingyuYao

JCA Lecture | 建築與設計學群_給學生更加廣闊的未來 by Johnny Chiu


Thanks for the invitation from Lin Yu-Chang, mayor of Keelung City, and National High School Parents’ Major Alliance, giving us an opportunity to share the ideas of architecture and design, helping the students to have a deeper understanding of design in order to have more imagination and development of their future.



#全國高級中學家長大聯盟 #柏成設計 #JCArchitecture #JohnnyChiu #邱柏文

JCA Lecture | 從鳴日號出發_公共空間的未來 by Johnny Chiu

鳴日號觀光列車由臺灣本土設計師邱柏文操刀,將台鐵70年莒光號舊車廂以新美學改造,保留過去歷史記憶,更榮獲2020日本設計大獎「Good Design Award」。

# 參加現場講座 有機會獲得微笑台灣季刊 2020冬季刊一本

【Starting From Taiwan Railways Railcar Project_The Future of Public Space】
Many thanks to the invitation from Xinbeitou Historic Station, letting us have this chance to share the story of Taiwan Railways Railcar with people who are interested!
Taiwan Railways Railcar Project is designed by Taiwanese designer Johnny Chiu, who turned the 70-year old railcar into a new aesthetic to retain the historical memory of the past and won the Good Design Award 2020.
Starting from Taiwan Railways Railcar, there will be more future for you to participate in, welcome everyone to sign up and listen!

#Participate in the live lecture will have the chance to get the Smile Taiwan Quarterly 2020 Winter Edition


講師 l 柏成設計 J.C. Architecture 邱柏文
時間 l 11/13(六)14:00-16:00
地點 l 新北投車站 站內
線上報名 | https://reurl.cc/V5QpLR


#新北投車站 #驛站講堂 #鳴日號觀光列車 #FUTURE #JCArchitecture #柏成設計