2022 IFI DDA Finalist Annouced | IFI 卓越設計大獎 決選入圍 / by Johnny Chiu

很高興與大家分享說“不只是圖書館”與”北美館藝術商店”分別入圍了 2022 IFI全球卓越設計大獎 Commerce 和 Humanitarian類別的最終決選 !

IFI 全稱爲 International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers,中文爲:國際室內建築師/設計師團體聯盟,1963年創立于丹麥首都哥本哈根。每年負責籌辦全球事業設計最高殊榮之一的IFI卓越設計大獎(IFI Design Distinction Award)。今年有超過640件作品來自51個國家參選,很開心柏成設計能受邀入圍最終決選。


“A Little Museum Store”

We are happy to announce that our “A Little Museum Store” and “Not Just Library” are shortlisted for the finalists in the Commerce and Humanitarian category in IFI Design Distinction Awards Global Design Competition 2022!


“Not Just Library”

The 2022 IFI Design Distinction Awards global design competition is one of the highest honor of interior design in the world. This year, it has received a record number of exemplary entries and represented countries, with 640 projects from 51 countries across the world. We are thrilled to be nominated in the finalist of it.