Paper Dome for the Celebration of Ilan Chinese New Year Celebration / by Johnny Chiu

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1.2km of recycled paper is used for remembering the past of this once important historical site of papermaking- Chung Hsing Paper Factory. It is a celebration of what was once here, and to bring back memories to the neighborhood, allowing the paper to once again come to life, this time not as a plane, but a space that can be experienced and interacted.

JCA柏成設計用長達1.2公里的環保紙,來紀錄與描繪在宜蘭這個造紙歷史的重要遺跡 - 中興紙廠。這是對曾經在這裡的一個歷史禮讚,為了讓紙的回憶在這個鄰里再次復甦, JCA柏成設計帶來的不只是個平面的歷史書寫,而是再造一個紙的立體刻畫而創造出來的體驗和互動的空間,漫天的紙造球體,創造出在這樣溫暖相聚的季節裡,讓我們在傳統慶典中跟歷史建築與文化傳承以當代的精神思維共同團圓與圓滿,JCA柏成設計。

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