2020 We Are Recruiting! / by Johnny Chiu

#JCArchitecture #缺人中 #recruit #世界上每一個偉大的事物在一開始看起來都是不可能的


我們會在充滿綠意盎然的設計空間與常駐員工_跟美貓蝦蝦一起brain storming,體驗設計的辛酸甘苦甜,期待喜愛挑戰的你,踏出成功的第一步,成為JCA的一份子。

JCA is now getting bigger and bigger, we got a lot of interesting and challenging projects from worldwide for you to join us!

We will be brainstorming and experiencing the amazing moment of design in a greenery working space with our colleague pet_Xia Xia. We welcome people with positive energy and are willing to accept challenges! Are you ready?

《柏成設計 J.C. Architecture》


公司設在亞洲最熱門的城市之一台北,我們的案件多元,從商業空間到公共工程均有涉獵,且在曼谷及上海皆有設計案。我們還有許多夢想要實行,例如OUT旅遊獎學金、Room 144交流平台等,這些夢想都是柏成設計試著讓世界更美好的努力。

J.C. Architecture is a multidisciplinary design firm that projects include architecture, interior, industrial, visual design and jewellery design based on New York and Taiwan, collaborating with clients from various industries.

Our work has won several awards and competitions including WAF/INSIDE World interior of the year USA Best of year, American Architecture Prize, Japan Good Design Award, Golden Pin Design Award, China I-ding International Award, Taiwan Interior Design Award, Taiwan Golden Pin Design, Golden Torch Award, FIABCI, Chinese Golden Stone Architecture Award. JCA operates as a studio think tank, developing, researching and experimenting methodologies for new possibilities.

We include design in every aspect of their work. With the combination of great minds among different disciplines and the always fun and passionate staff, JCA aims to create a new sense of identity and character for the world to inhabit in.
《尋尋覓覓 Job Opportunity 》
- 建築設計師 Architect
- 室內設計師 Interior designer
- 室內設計助理 Interior design Assistant
- 設計製圖人員 Draftsman
- 工地監工專業人才 Site Supervisor
- 行政助理 Administrative Assistant
《福利大禮包 Employee Benefits》
- 聚餐聯誼活動 Happy Hour
- 每月壽星豪華蛋糕 Monthly Birthday Celebration
- 一年一次國內、外旅遊 Annual Overseas/Domestic Travel
- JCA Day每個月再多放一天有薪假,外加周休二日、國定假日 Extra Paid Leave once a month
- 搭配全套廚房設備,工作之餘也能輕鬆下廚 Full Kitchen equipment
- 免費自我進修課程、講座 Attending Free Course
- 紓壓馬殺雞按摩 Massage
- 零食+飲料台免費供應 Free Snack
- 美貓_蝦蝦陪伴你的工作人生 Pet Collegue_Xia Xia
如果你準備好了,Welcome on board~


