2020 Interior Design Competition Winner / by Johnny Chiu

經過一個多月的等待,我們收到了國際室內設計協會IIDA(The Commercial Interior Design Association)的好消息,Living Lab 生活實驗所贏得了2020 Interior Design Competition!
“These firms challenged design norms and brought exciting originality to the table,” said Chipman on behalf of the jury. “From a non-traditional, interactive kindergarten space, to a radical new affordable housing model, these projects demonstrate new possibilities in the realm of the built environment.”

國際室內設計協會IIDA(The Commercial Interior Design Association)為全球性的室內設計協會,以提高室內設計價值及追求創新為宗旨,遍布58個國家及擁有15,000多名專業設計師、公司加入會員。
頒獎典禮將在6/2 Facebook Live舉辦,一起來看看最終得獎作品:

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