Columbia GSAPP Podcast|Learning From Alumni: Building a Successful Firm / by Johnny Chiu

Johnny非常榮幸能專訪 #潘冀聯合建築師事務所 創辦人 #潘冀, 一起帶領聽眾暢談,潘冀建築師在 #哥倫比亞大學 時期對於建築觀點的培養與衝擊,並如何將設計養分回饋 #台灣,建立出色跨國建築事務所的心路歷程。
During the conversation, they discuss Pan’s educational background (including his time at GSAPP) and the steps he took to establish his studio as one of the largest, and most successful firms in Taiwan. Pan stresses the importance of taking advantage of every opportunity to showcase quality and relevant design, regardless of project scale. He also encourages early career architects to recognize the value of their work and charge fair fees for their services. Finally, he shares his vision for the future of architecture in Taiwan which prioritizes sustainability and is inclusive of aging populations.
Learning From Alumni: Building a Successful Firm
Joshua Jih Pan in Conversation with Johnny Chiu

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