JCA Project | 不只是圖書館 Not Just Library / by Johnny Chiu


#不只是圖書館,不只是83年的 #澡堂 古蹟,不只是文化場所。



順著階梯向下,揭開塵封近半世紀的北側菸廠女員工澡堂,舊時用於洗滌身上沾黏的菸絲。牆上老式花磁磚,隨著歲月斑駁,保留過去的生活痕跡,加以金色點綴,呈現侘寂之美;尊重 #古蹟建築 的不完美與建築限制,不多添加更多的鋼筋與螺絲,陽光隨著通風天井灑落與懸吊的鋼索編織圓弧燈飾相互輝映,向下綻放,照亮融入現代的思想、時間與歲月,留存的弧形澡堂與現代書池呈現新與舊的結合,空間中雋永的歷史,有了持續的傳承。


This is not just a library, not just a 83-year-old bathhouse monument, not just a cultural venue.

Down the corridor, with lights filling upwards and incoming scent of books, one can let go of the chaotic outdoors and enjoy being bathed in spirits and knowledge.

Taking the inspiration from a drop bathhouse, pick up a book from the bookshelf made of stacked birch plywood, sink it in. The plywood reveals a gentle light that accompanies people like a book bath, immerse them in invisible thoughts. Words recording speeches, speeches shaping the communication between the inspiration and creativity between inner hearts and mind. Here, it doesn’t just serve the purpose of personal gatherings, the possibilities are indefinite, from concerts, lectures, extension stages, transforming the concept of an original bathhouse into an experimental showcase of literature.

Following down the stairways, uncovers the half-a-century old bath house that was for female employers at a tobacco factory, where they used to wash off the tobaccos sticking to their bodies. The vintage tiles on the wall, mottled with the years, retain the traces of past life, adorned with golden details to present the beauty of wabi-sabi; respect the imperfections and architectural limitations of historic buildings without adding more steel bars and screws. The sun shines on the ventilated patio and the suspended steel cable woven arc lighting reflects each other, blooming downward, illuminating the modern thoughts, time and years. The preserved arc bath and the modern book pool present a combination of the new and the old, the space. To continuously pass down the timelessness of the history.

The inner space of the garden has a private and tranquil atmosphere. The texture of time is imprinted on the surrounding walls, letting go of superfluous expressions, and anti avant garde materials that urge people to consciously let go of superfluous things. The branches and leaves spreading upward, up to four meters high, spreading out a touch of light in between, and the sun shone and shone among the translucent green leaves of the treetop. The mixed plants are juxtaposed and blended with the historical wall. Different levels of greenery are set against the ash of the gravel. In this simple and harmonious space, light, shadow and form all show graceful temperament. At night, when the trees and flowers are illuminated by floor lamps, the garden seems to be immersed in a mysterious and silent world, quietly revealing the history.

It is with hope that words are seen as mist and knowledge is seen as water, to represent the spirit of bathing: thoughts, considerations and self-growth of gratitude to be transformed into the cultural heritage and radiate outward.

Check more on: www.johnnyisborn.com
Media contact: pr@johnnyisborn.com
#台灣設計研究院 #JCArchitecture