JCA Publish | 漂亮家居_永續創新設SDGs / by Johnny Chiu


我們以「不只是圖書館」、「台北市立美術館藝術商點」,和「新北市政府辦公司Comma Lab」為代表,探討永續的各種角度,而不是只以環保作為永續的定義。

In the may issue of “my HOME” magazine, we are honoured that Johnny, the founder of J.C. Architecture, is invited to talk about sustainable design as the main idea in designing “Not Just Library”, “Taipei Fine Art Museum Store” and “New Taipei City Government Office_Comma Lab”.



《my HOME》has started publishing in March 2001. It is the first home living space magazine in Taiwan. It also becomes the communication bridge between space fashion trends, interior designers and Taiwanese readers.


#漂亮家居 #永續設計 #不只是圖書館 #北美館 #commalab #柏成設計 #jcarchitecture