昨日是BLOOM 在「2022 年春季東京國際禮品展」展出的最後一天。 感謝來自 Kyosyu 分享的現場畫面,真的很開心能與日本神戶牛皮協會 KOBE Leather 合作,使用廢棄和牛牛皮創造 BLOOM。更開心能夠透過東京的展覽與各界的媒體報導,讓座花朵可以在世界各處綻放。
BLOOM was exhibited at “Tokyo International Gift Show Spring 2022”!
Yesterday is the last day of the exhibition. Thanks for the live photos shared by Kyosyo. We are glad to cooperate with KOBE Leather, turning the abandoned leather into “BLOOM.” Besides, we are thrilled that “BLOOM” is exhibited, reported by multiple press media, and even bloom everywhere around the world.