JCA Award | 老屋新生大獎獲獎_不只是圖書館 by Johnny Chiu



Congratulations to TDRI(Taiwan Design Research Institute), Motif Planning, and J.C. Architecture for winning Old Building New Life Awards!
Through “Not Just Library” this unique project, we won the 2021 Old Building New Life Awards with the non-residential category.
Not Just Library has innovated from an 85-year-old bathhouse monument into a library that shows the fascination and influence of the old house regeneration. People can enjoy and immerse themselves in the “book bath”, which is our main design concept, with a private and peaceful garden that uses native plants in Taiwan to present historical memories of the monument.
Special thanks to TDRI’s support for this opportunity to redesign the space!

#台北老屋新生大獎 #不只是圖書館 #NotJustLibrary #太研規劃設計顧問 #MotifPlanning #台灣設計研究院 #TDRI #柏成設計 #JCArchitecture


JCA Lecture | DESIGNART TOKYO_Creative Conference Bridge 2021 by Johnny Chiu

日本一年一度的DESIGNART TOKYO 2021即將到來!
活動將會於10月25日~28日期間舉辦,而由DESIGNART每年主辦的「DESIGNART 創意會談 -BRIDGE-」為一線活躍的學者,文化人及藝術家提供了一個相互交流的場所。

我們非常榮幸能夠與台灣設計研究院的張基義院長,一同代表台灣分享與日本產品設計師,PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER負責人,鈴木啓太,和主持人木田隆子,ELLE DECOR的品牌總監,討論亞洲獨特的設計故事和台灣的設計思想。有興趣的朋友千萬別錯過!

DESIGNART hosts "DESIGNART CREATIVE CONFERENCE -BRIDGE-"annually inviting frontline scholars and artists for talk sessions in order to initiate and develop the art, design, and creative industries.

We are very honored to be able to share with the president of Taiwan Design Institute, Chi-Yi Chang on behalf of Taiwan with Japanese product designers, PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER director, Keita Suzuki, and host Ryuko Kida, brand director of ELLE DECOR, discussing the unique design of Asia. Stories and Taiwan’s design ideas. People who are interested are welcome to enter the website for more information!


Japan x Taiwan! Share New Language to Discuss Asian Design

演講者 Speaker:張基義Chi-Yi Chang,邱柏文Johnny Chiu,鈴木啓太Suzuki Keita
協講員Facilitator:木田隆子Ryuko Kida
舉辦日期 Date:2021/10/26 18:30-20:00(日本時間 JST / 台灣時間 CTT 17:30-19:00)
語言 Language:日語 Japanese /國語 Chinese
詳細資訊 For more information: https://designart-tokyo.zaiko.io/_item/343028


JCA Award | 2021台北設計獎 by Johnny Chiu


This year, Taipei International Design Award 2021, is very competitive. Among the countless projects, “Not Just Library” stands out and becomes one of the finalists in the public space design!
”Not Just Library” combines sustainability, innovation, and restoration, making the project more unique and priceless.
Looking forward to a good result in the award ceremony later!
《台北設計獎TIDA》為臺北市政府規劃辦理,以「Design for Adaptive City:為不斷提昇的城市而設計」之精神,並公開徵選傑出國際設計作品,打造臺北市成為創意設計匯流平台,藉以發掘具商機潛力的創意設計、鼓勵社會設計意涵,主張設計使人類生活更美好更便利。
Photo credit to Lee Kuo-Min

#台北設計獎 #TIDA #不只是圖書館 #NotJustLibrary #TDRI #台灣設計研究院 #太研規劃設計 #MotifPlannig&Design #JCArchitecture #柏成設計


JCA Award | 2021金點設計獎 by Johnny Chiu




At the 2021 Golden Pin Design Award, we once again won the Golden Pin Design Award!
”Not Just Library” won the award in the public space category, and “A Little Museum Store” won the award in the commercial space category.

This year’s Golden Pin Design Award saw a total of 2,706 outstanding entries from 17 different countries and regions around the globe.

That’s congratulating J.C. Architecture beforehand on winning the Golden Pin Design Award best honor—the Best Design so that more people can see the uniqueness and influence of our works.

#GoldenPinDesignAward #金點設計獎 #GPDA #2021 #NotJustLibrary #不只是圖書館 #ALittleMuseumStore #北美館藝術商店 #JCArchitecture #柏成設計

01_JCA_Not Just Library.jpg

JCA Event | 2021 Moon Festival Party! by Johnny Chiu

J.C. Architecture祝大家中秋假期愉快~

The Moon festival is coming! J.C. Architecture celebrates with BBQ party and feels thankful for being together these days!
J.C. Architecture wishes you a happy Moon Festival!

#MoonFestivalBbq #Party #JCArchitecture #柏成設計


JCA Event | 2021 Happy Moon Festival by Johnny Chiu

"Live an enriching life experience."


J.C. Architecture 換個角度思考,利用疫情不能外出,大玩一場。
現在換您了,材料都幫您準備好,就差您捲起袖子 。


001柚子: Nora自家種植,精挑細選,皮薄肉多
002冰糖: 天然手作紅冰糖,自然香醇,無任何添加物
003蜂蜜: 台南小農龍眼蜂蜜
004檸檬: 小農自產無農藥金喜檸檬

建議大家柚子與糖的黃金比例為2:1 (500g:250g),因此使用500g的柚子(約2顆)會比較合適喔!不過仍然可以按照自己喜歡的比例或甜度去調配,隨興創作,自由發揮!

J.C. Architecture 祝您中秋佳節實驗愉快

#2021 #MoonFestival #實驗中生活生活中實驗 #中秋節快樂 #JCArchitecture #柏成設計


JCA Publish | 幸福廣播電台_用美學翻轉台灣鐵道 by Johnny Chiu

電台播放日就在9/15 下午5點-6點,有興趣的朋友們記得準時收聽FM102.5喔!

Transforming Taiwan Railways with aesthetics! Johnny from J.C. Architecture was first invited by Transformation Radio, sharing the ideas of the use of design in order to influence and break the stereotype of Taiwan Railways in the Happy Business Class section.
The radio broadcast day is 9/15 from 5 pm to 6 pm, people who are interested, remember to listen to FM 102.5 on time!

電台連結 link:https://www.tr-radio.com/station/tr-radio/

#幸福廣播電台 #FM102.5 #柏成設計 #鳴日號 #李大華 #幸福商務艙 #JCArchitecture #邱柏文


JCA Publish | Vogue Magazine_My Space_JCA Living Lab by Johnny Chiu

Vogue雜誌全新室內單元My Space這次來到了JCA生活實驗所,一窺JCA living lab的真實面貌並分享Johnny和Nora在JCA living lab的日常生活。過程中,我們可看到Johnny和Nora分享的愛用傢俱單品,更了解了他們對於設計的品味與獨特眼光。

My Space, a new interior series of Vogue Magazine, came to JCA living lab in exploring the real appearance and the daily life of Johnny and Nora in this special residential space. Through the process, we can see their favourite furniture items shared by Johnny and Nora. It helps us to have a better understanding of their taste and unique vision of design.
In JCA living lab, life is about living in the moment.

Photographed by Lee Kuo-Min, Kat Leung

#vogue #voguetaiwan #myspace #jcalivinglab #JCArchitecture #柏成設計